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"Our children are being groomed for a lifestyle of confusion and promiscuity" - Parents

Writer: Stevey Ellul BoniciStevey Ellul Bonici

English (bil-Malti aktar l-isfel)

According to Ziguzajg program next Thursday March 16, a show will be shown for children from Government schools aged between 8 and 10 years.

This show advertised in ŽiguŻajg and entitled Genderboss contains a confusion of gender/s, sexuality and leads to uncertainty among children because it casts doubt on whether they are what they really are. As well as Psycological problems that will make them suffer for all their life time of pain and anxieties. They even try to teach children and tell them that they can be an object!

We do not agree that young children should be shown shows with such malicious content and teaching when the law prohibits it.

Therefore, if you are a parent and you have not been informed beforehand about the content and/or you have not given your consent and you do not agree with this teaching imposed on your children, download and fill in this form, sign it and pass it to the Head of school.

That way you are protecting your children.


Skond il-programm fuq Ziguzajg il-ħamis li ġej 16 ta' Marzu, ser jintwera xow għal tfal ghal-iskejjel tal-Gvern ta bejn it- 8 u 10 snin.

Dan ix xow reklamat f' ŻiguŻajg u ntitolat Genderboss fiħ taħwid tal-ġeneru/i, sesswalità u jwassal għal inċertezza fost it-tfal għax jitfa id-dubju jekk humiex dak li verament huma. Kif ukoll problemi psikoloġiċi li se jġegħluhom ibatu għal ħajjithom kollha ma ansjetajiet Saħansitra jipprovaw jagħllmu lit-tfal u jgħidulhom li jistaw ikunu oġġett!

Aħna ma naqblux li tfal żgħar għandhom jintwerew xows b'kontenut u tagħlim malizzjuz bħal dan meta il-liġi tipprobixxih.

Għaldaqstant, jekk int ġenitur u ma ġejtx mgħarraf minn qabel fuq il-kontenut u/ jew ma tajtx il-kunsens tiegħek u ma taqbilx ma dan it-tagħlim impost fuq uliedek, niżżel u imla din il-formola, iffirmaha u għaddiha lil Kap ta l-iskola.

B'hekk tkun qed tiproteġi lit tfal tieghek.



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