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The below videos are speeches from the event held in Valletta on the 6th of February 2022. ABBA stood together for freedom as candidates and friends expressed their urgent views on the current attack on western culture and its freedom which is rooted and grounded in Christianity.
Ivan Grech Mintoff
Ivan Grech Mintoff's speech at Arise Malta on the foundation the Red and Blue parties once stood on and how they have abandoned those values. ABBA party is building on an unshakeable foundation. Jesus Christ.
Matthew Grech
“Dawn mhux miżuri, dawn kastigi!”
“These are not measures, but punishments!”
Jesrit Angel Camilleri, Stevey Ellul Bonici, Tania Gauci Fiorini at Arise Malta
Jesrit Angel Camilleri, Stevey Ellul Bonici, Tania Gauci Fiorini highlights from Arise Malta
Romina Magro, Rebecca Paris, Anthea Grixti at ARISE MALTA
Romina Magro, Rebecca Paris, Anthea Grixti
highlights from ARISE MALTA
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