Our government and opposition are meant to administer on behalf of all of the Maltese people who elected them as their representatives in our parliament. Their job is to administer the wealth of our nation, ensuring its fair distribution. They are to maintain law, order & democracy. They ought to look after our health, security and environment, safeguarding our future and general well-being.
Present parliament enacts laws against our mandates, values, culture and identity. They rubber stamp EU regulations and directives which openly impose harmful agendas on us. Certain rights that we have peacefully enjoyed for decades are being taken away: Freedom of Movement, Assembly, Conscience, Religion, Expression & Thought have all been taken away from us. Leading up to the next elections, there is now a very clear push for the state to overrule even the right to life itself, via abortion (female reproductive rights) and euthanasia itself.
ABBA wants to be the catalyst of change. Defying intimidation and hopelessness, we are working to change the harmful two-party electoral system which no longer represents the people but represents only the interests of the few very close to the two traditional parties themselves. We wish to see a coalition government where no single party may have absolute power to do as it wishes, where a real-time moral safety valve exists as it does in every other European country. A coalition government will restore proper and regulated governance. We are working hard for Malta to return to its former international high-standing, where peace and stability was enjoyed by all.
We want our full dignity back. By God's grace, we will achieve this is in the forthcoming legislature through our sound policies and clear direction. Strong values, strong nation.
Help Us Succeed

Active participation is an essential part of ABBA’s success. Inviting one of our speakers or promoting the media platform is a great way to connect with your local community and spread the importance of our mission. With our fresh vision and drive, you are sure to be inspired to become part of the solution that our nation needs.
Every individual has the ability to motivate others and inspire true change. By organizing an event, you become a crucial part of our party by making sure that our mission is heard and has a far-reaching, lasting impact.